Internet Explorer 6 problem ?

19 Nov 2005
Gwynedd, Cymru
When on sites where I have to enter passwords eg. eBay, and when moving from one section to another, I have to re enter my password each time I change page, even on this site this happens, this only happens using I.E. When I browse the same sites using Avant I only have to logon on entering the site, Any ideas as to how to solve this would be appreciated. Alan. EDIT. I have found that if i press ctrl when switching pages i dont have to re logon, if thats any help.
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:D Thanks for your assistance it certainly seems to have helped (so far !!) I knew this was the right site to seek help, Pity about the post jockeys though! they seem to be getting in the way of sensible exchanges of information on a lot of forums nowadays, The old saying comes to mind If you've nowt useful to say shut up ;) :D
Thanks Again , Alan.
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