internet marketing advice?

17 Sep 2011
In my PC
hi there,i have family who are into marketing and own a call centre and do various technical/customer support SMS/phone competitions/promotions and they make really good money with the products they sell and promote.

They have told me that a lot of the people doing the marketing make a heap of money each month(into the tens of thousands) promoting the products on their websites because they pay high rates of commisions for each sale and the lucky ones are getting a lot of hits.They've given me work packaging items for them sometimes whenever its been possable so i know how much of this stuff they are selling,they personaly own the companies so this isnt just some random dude making this stuff up to try and use me and feeding me BS.

Now,they told me straight up the majority of people give up really soon(a few months) because they just dont get enough sales due to market saturation and people already being on the bandwagon so its hard to get up the google rankings. Because im in a position where im a family member i can get told about new products before they are even mentioned to the rest of the marketing community and said it would give me a really good head start over the rest of the competition if i was to get promotional websites up and running before them and get them ranked high on google.

Im at home all day looking after my parents and cant really get a job as its basicly a saftey hazard if i leave them alone(mums got suspected narcolepsy falls asleep even when standing up,dad has dementia) so i have a lot of free time at home to try and do this,the thing is i've never made a webpage in my life and know nothing about the google SOE thing to get rankings up. Fortunately they do have a lot of good material that teaches you how to do it all so if i just stick at it i can hopefully learn what to do.

I guess im just here looking for any tips and advice from people who may have experience in something similar to what im talking about to get my stuff a higher ranking on google and to stop my site being hacked by somebody or something before i dedicate time to learning the material they have given me.

I feel like this is my only chance in life right now to make anything good happen financialy and having first hand experience of the lifestyle my family have who run this sort of stuff and the people they are telling me make all this money and the chance they are giving me to get in the game before the others i think id be crazy not to give it a go with 100% effort put into it.

Can anyone tell me the main things i should be concerned with and focusing on when trying to learn to do this? Im going to give the tutorials a bash tomorrow and try to get it to sink into my thick skull what the hell they are talking about:D

Throw a CMS on there like Wordpress or Concrete5, get a template, play about with it, and install some plugins to add functionality.

Thanks i had a look there and it looks cheap. One thing i noticed when checking out the 1 year packages was the bandwidth limit.....then this idea crossed my mind.

I will have competitors who will want their site to be the one thats used for buying these products instead of my own,whats to stop one of these guys from searching on google for certain keywords relating to the products to find their competitors like me and constantly refreshing the page possably with some sort of an automated tool and using up all my monthly bandwidth allowence basicly making my site useless?

Maybe its a bit paranoid of me to think of a scenario like this but i just wondered is this something i should be concerned about? I would have thought its unlikely to happen but im asking just incase you or anyone know else knows if this sort of thing happens.
I love TSOHOST personally but Wordpress is a great shout.

Don't worry about what other people are doing, they'll be too busy trying to sell themselves. To rank really well, you should keep your site clean and code lean so it loads quickly anyway. Google likes that, and make sure you host any videos etc on youtube or vimeo so it uses their bandwidth and not yours, plus it's a good link back to your site, even if they are no follows, it all helps.

In terms of link building, I see so much spam coming in on our Wordpress sites for products that bear absolutely no relevance to the site they've posted the comment to. Most of it's shockingly spelt automated link filled nonsense, so they must have to do loads of it to have any effect.

What you need to do is focus your efforts. List all the relevant features and keywords you want to target, find all the keywords associated with those (look up latent semantic indexing, will really help you expand your targets), find what sites are already popular for those and get links built from those. Popularity breeds popularity, be relevant by association.

I've not dealt that much with social media marketing since the big boom, but so many people I used to work with on SEO have moved to it so it has to be worthwhile.

Best of luck with it all.
Thanks i had a look there and it looks cheap. One thing i noticed when checking out the 1 year packages was the bandwidth limit.....then this idea crossed my mind.

I will have competitors who will want their site to be the one thats used for buying these products instead of my own,whats to stop one of these guys from searching on google for certain keywords relating to the products to find their competitors like me and constantly refreshing the page possably with some sort of an automated tool and using up all my monthly bandwidth allowence basicly making my site useless?

Maybe its a bit paranoid of me to think of a scenario like this but i just wondered is this something i should be concerned about? I would have thought its unlikely to happen but im asking just incase you or anyone know else knows if this sort of thing happens.

No one ever tries using your monthly bandwidth dude. It's a pointless task - bandwidth is very affordable (it's hard drive space that's a bit more expensive).

You have to know SEO to get your site found first, or you can use Pay Per Click if it's worth it (spend £10, get £20 back sort of thing).

I always get my hosting from Vidahost (and all my domains). I started with a starter account 6 years ago with them and been with them ever since. Never wanted to move.
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