Internet2 Network to Get Speed Boost

27 Sep 2004
South Yorkshire
Operators of the Internet2 consortium said they will be able to boost the speed of the ultra-fast research network by as much as 80 times by the fall of next year. To accomplish this, the fiber optic lines will send data using different colors of light.

The Internet2 is a network separate from the Internet that connects some 200 colleges and universities, as well as various corporations and researchers. It currently uses fiber optic cables provided by Qwest, however the new network would have cables all to itself.

Each color, or wavelength, will be able to transmit data at a speed of 10 Gigabit per second. With 10 colors over the same wire, that allows for a maximum speed of 100 Gbps. Eventually, users of the Internet2 network would have 80 wavelengths available.

Currently, the network has a limit in theory of 10 Gbps. Researchers haven't gotten there yet due to hardware restrictions, although they recently set a new speed record of 8.8 Gbps in laboratory tests. The speed boost would mean a two-hour movie could be transferred in several seconds as opposed to a half-minute with the old network.

The reason for the upgrade is fairly straightforward. New uses of Internet2 need a faster data rate than what is currently available. For example, the second generation of the network would help a project to link together radio telescopes around the world.

thats great, but show me some hard drives which can transfer at anywhere near that speed, even an enormous RAID array wouldnt come close.
Have a look at AMS-IX and and LINX. You can get peering ports at 10gbps and faster speeds soon. That is essentialy all the internet2 is at the moment; a bunch of private peering arrangements. I'm sure you can get 10gbps transit connections from the big suppliers if you have the cash (Cogentco, KPN, Abovenet, Global-Crossings etc).
Topgun said:
Have a look at AMS-IX and and LINX. You can get peering ports at 10gbps
Each color, or wavelength, will be able to transmit data at a speed of 10 Gigabit per second. With 10 colors over the same wire, that allows for a maximum speed of 100 Gbps. Eventually, users of the Internet2 network would have 80 wavelengths available.
Clarkey said:
i'm sure that gfiven some time, that technology will be introduced in the regular internet.

possibly to uni's etc but not residential as they'd have to lay this fiber to all homes and theres no way I can see the gov doing that even within the next 10 years.
I reckon a new residential network is inevitable in the UK one day, seeing as we've already reached the max for phone lines as far as I know.

How long 'till we can all get 100/1000mbps Ethernet links then? Or would they use fiber to the homes since 100/1000 would require new cabling anyway, thus future proofing would make sense.

/ Imagines.....

Thing is though I'm not particularly bothered about my download speed, more about upload than anything else (for both my web servering and also occasional game servering). Stuck on 256kbps up I am but don't want to go to MaxDSL (SDSL costs waaay too much) due to the inferior contentions (bandwidth cap wouldn't be a problem in reality but I just like to know that I *can* download a lot one month if I need - which I can with my 'standard' DSL).
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