Interpret my weird dream

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
I woke up this morning with the remnants of a dream kicking around in my head.

I'd been to an execution somewhere on top of a hill. I suppose it could have been Tower Hill but I'm not 100% sure of that.

People were dressed in historic clothes and it felt authentically old but there were TV cameras present.

The first person was beheaded successfully but the second one took three attempts. It was Emma Bunton and it wasn't an axe or a sword but a guillotine and it had to be raised and dropped three times before her noddle dropped off.

What's this all about?

We all have odd dreams from time to time but I don't remember many of them. What strange ones have you had recently?
My dream last night (or what I remember of it).

I was shooting at Disney, I got 39/40 on my target and they wouldn't let me take the target away. I was really annoyed about it but they simply wouldn't let me take it. I don't remember what I was shooting.

That's it. Nothing more.
Did you watch the news about that school shooting in the US? Did you read anything about Disney or watch a Disney channel? Did anyone you know go to Target?
No but a couple of friends have recently returned from a holiday at Disney.
The shooting represents something you have practiced and believe you have become very good at. There is a small amount of improvement possible but you still feel you are better than most people at it.
I am very good, you don't get better than this. This was only a few weeks ago.

Five shots into each of these targets.

And one into the centre of each of these.

But you aren't being rewarded for your achievement. Despite all your efforts you feel they are being ignored unfairly by others
Just got a decent pay rise at work.

Disney represents the fun personal part of your life rather than the business or work side.
Never had any real interest in anything Disney related that I can remember. Never been, never wanted to go. Don't subscribe to Disney+

So there is something in your personal life which you feel you are doing well at but people around you aren't recognising your hard work and effort.
Ahh, that'll be the forums then. Damn you all :D :cry:
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