Intersex / transgender etc competing. Thoughts?

16 Feb 2010
North East England
Okay its a tough one I think but having seen a few stories regarding Caster Semenya where would you draw the line?

A bit info: Semenya is intersex/hermaphrodite/hyper-androgenic (not certain which is the correct term as they all are used) with no womb nor ovaries and internal testes leading to testosterone levels 3 times that of an average woman. Basically if a female athlete increased their testosterone level via injections to match Semenya's they would be banned.

I believe a half-way house measure was brought in which Semenya's testosterone levels were decreased, her performance naturally decreased. This was ended and Semenya again started to dominate.

So where do you draw the line on who competes as a man/woman? Clearly Semenya has a clear advantage but is this the same as been born with the right genetics like Bolt?

For myself and probably open to been called various names I find it difficult to see a person with testes albeit internal and 3 times the level of testosterone of a 'normal' woman competing as a female in athletics.

I must admit typing that makes me feel uncomfortable as I would like to think I am a firm believer in each to their own etc. but ones right to choose doesn't seem so black and white in this particular circumstance.

So am I alone in this, am I a neanderthal bloke out of touch with the modern world?
She was born like it.
She's done nothing to make it happen.
Yes, it's the same.
Might as well ban a girl from modelling because she's much prettier than all the other models.

No she wasn't born female she was born intersex but chooses to be a female and compete in athletics against females. Your modelling analogy isn't vaguely the same :confused:

I believe the current IOC guidelines for transgender athletes is:

Meanwhile, male-to-female transgender athletes will need to demonstrate that their testosterone level has been below a certain cutoff point for at least one year before their first competition.

So intersex can choose without restriction while transgender must take meds. to restrict their testosterone levels :confused:
Well Semeneya won and she could clearly have run much much faster competeting easily against the dope up cheat who set the record.

I can only agree with Denise Lewis from The Telegraph:

I don’t want to damn Semenya, but in the cold light of day and when you are talking about performance, it is not fair on her rivals and not a healthy situation for the sport.

I would imagine there were a lot of really peeved woman in that 800mm race, the woman with the testes won, who knew its a whole new world.
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