Interview on Wednesday....with a twist!

1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal
Hi all,

So on Wednesday I have an interview, but this is a little different, it's for a Portuguese company!

I'm nervous for a few reasons

  • It's my first face to face interview for about 3 years (my last one was a telephone one from which I got the job)
  • I haven't worked since November, I took an 8-9 month sabbatical to go travelling.
  • It's for a Portuguese company and it's left me wandering about interview etiquette.
  • it's good to be nervous.

3 out of 4 of those are self explanatory, but the third one is getting at me.

Normally when it comes to interviews, I get a bit nervous, but I do my research, shake it off, walk in confident and generally speaking I feel that (and have been told) I interview very well.

I'm nervous for a different reason, we've recently come back to Portugal, and this is my first attempt at getting a job here. I've applied for 4 local jobs and this is the one which has called back. Just 4 hours after I applied as well.

At first I felt fine and excited about it, but when I started to ensure things like my shoes were shiny and suit was pressed everyone (and by that I mean local Portuguese friends) who found that out has insisted that I'll be hugely overdressed. Very few people actually work in a suit, despite the company being in the capital (Lisbon)

Admittedly the woman on the phone did make it sound casual, when arranging the time and she suggested 9am she then quickly added "is that too early? if not we can do later?" - from the way she was it does sound like more of an informal chat.

I've always been told you can never be overdressed for an interview, but with the amount of locals who have told me I will be, I'm beginning to doubt myself.

Has anyone else here been in this position? specifically for a company in the EU? Its for IT consulting work. In terms of salary I've got a good idea (I think) and a figure in my head but I'll let them make the first move on that one, assuming it gets that far.

Looking at the website it comes across as not your typical company, it has just over 100 employees and going from the photos it looks and sounds like a with a want for a better word 'younger' company. People all dressed casually, gaming in the office, free food all the get the idea. Not your old school suited and booted London Bank where facial hair is frowned upon.

Sorry if I'm rambling a bit. I'm sure it'll be fine! but I needed to get that off my chest! any words of wisdom are welcome!
The continent is nothing like the UK. Casual wear is generally acceptable in most jobs. My bank manager wears jeans, shirt and either trainers or the odd pair of shoes to work...
The continent is nothing like the UK. Casual wear is generally acceptable in most jobs. My bank manager wears jeans, shirt and either trainers or the odd pair of shoes to work...

Cheers. I'm beginning to think going smart casual may be the answer :) - Smart jeans, decent shoes, a shirt and a suit jacket.
If you're worried about being too smart in a suit, how about (light) chinos and shirt?

Personally for an interview I'd always avoid jeans, chinos look smart without being suit formal.
Nothing wrong with wearing a suit to interview even if the day to day company dress is casual. Showing that you can scrub up nice when needed can only help.

When my present employer was still in start-up mode, being able to be put in front of a potential customer with a professional appearance was ... helpful.
Wear a suit! Whether or not you'll have to ever again who knows! You may even get a few chuckles when you walk in but they will be aware that the English generally wear suits to interviews and will probably be expecting it.

You could even make a joke out of it, if it comes up in conversation. I'm sure they will appreciate you've gone to the effort and have taken the interview seriously, even if they feel you look a bit silly.
Tough one as you're in the dark and only going by what you've been told by people who are impartial. I guess you could call and ask? You have a good reason.

If not, i'd err on the side of smart, perhaps not a jacket and tie but a shirt, trousers and shoes.
For interviews, always overdress ..... so suit and tie. It will at least give the impression you are taking the job application seriously.
I was tempted to email the woman who called me who insisted on if I have any questions to go ahead and ask and be completely upfront and say something along the lines of "it's my first interview for a company outside of the UK and I was wondering if you could offer any advice on..."

But at the same time I can't help but think it might backfire on me somehow.

If I can't find a suit later I'll go smart with a shirt, chinos, good shoes and my best poker face :)
OK so had the interview. Its 36C today so I wore what I planned but carried the suit jacket. Interview was fine, lasted 50 minutes. She asked for some more information to be emailed to her so have done that now and asked her when I can expect to hear back.

Overall I think it was fine. Was expecting technical questions but it was more just about me rather than a skill set. I also got asked if Brexit was an issue.

We shall see!
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