Interview question - why leaving / looking for new role

12 May 2011
I am looking for a new job due to becoming disillusioned with my current employer over some management decisions. If I am fortunate enough to get interviews with other companies, would you raise this as your legitimate reason or stick to a more generic reason that doesn't have the potential to prompt further discussion / explanation, and get on with talking about what the benefits you would bring to a company?

For context it's a middle grade role (mix of management and deliverables work) after 8 years experience at engineering firms.
Thanks everyone. I've had a positive response to my CV and letter in about 2h so I'll stick to the more general and positive spin reasons for leaving in the interview!
I had interview 1 today which went well. My reasons for leaving were about "variety of work" (which is not a lie!). I was invited back for the second interview during the first.

They asked if I had applied anywhere else, to which I said not yet. But perhaps I should have said yes?! Well anyway I've sent off a CV and covering letter to Company 2 now (which I would also be happy to work for based on their reputation)...
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