Interview with Sega Europe tomorrow...

tell them you know the level select cheat for sonic on the megadrive !
On the title screen press up, down, left, right and you will hear a ring sound. Hold down A and press Start for a level select.

(good luck :) )
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Good luck!

Don't kiss their butts, if they ask you what you think of Sega I'd suggest being honest and giving them your cricisms as well as praise. They'll most likely be looking for people who can offer suggestions and improvements.
a mate of mine's an artist for a team at Sega. he worked on Colin McRae rally and just got back from Vietnam...Sega sounds pretty cool to work for :)

good luck!
When they ask you why you're interested in the job starting telling them how great you think mario is - and how it can only be beat by mario bareback riding yoshi.

Games testing's one of those jobs that sounds really fun in theory, but in practice you might spend all day testing whether when 20 players converge on one section of the map it'll crash it or not.

As said previously, be yourself and don't arselick. Also, read up on all the history of the firm you can as interviewers are always looking for people who take the time to know the background of potential employers.

Good luck mate! :)

fini said:
Games testing's one of those jobs that sounds really fun in theory, but in practice you might spend all day testing whether when 20 players converge on one section of the map it'll crash it or not.


Yup that's the truth. However, games testing is the foot in the door to the games industry, many people start there and become successful designers/coders etc etc.
Unconditional said:
Typically 5 pounds p/h - 7 pounds p/h.

any tips, and how much chance is there, are they looking for loads of testers or just a few.

Did you have a background in testing or the business at all to begin with?

If you could email me at an obvious address (my username first) then I'd be so greatful.
Sorry for the late response.

As long as you show a genuine interest in gaming then you have a good chance.

I had previous game testing experience but it shoudn't really matter too much.

All they are going to do is get you to play some games and have a quick chat with you, nothing too challenging. BTW you'll be on shifts I think so hours are 7.30am-3 or 3pm-10.30.
|Show| said:
good luck, sound like it should be a decent job :)
It's an awful job! But atleast he gets to play the games early! Even if it means not enjoying it at all and doing the most ridiculously monotonous things ever.
Game testing all comes down to what game you are on. Last year I game tested Burnout: Revenge which was amazing fun and the fact I was getting paid was just a bonus :p

ATM Im testing something which is the most boring game in the world and I cant imagine there is anyone actually looking forward to this game because the markets already saturated with this type of game anyway. Probably shouldnt mention what game though due to secrecy and all that.
Unconditional said:
Game testing all comes down to what game you are on. Last year I game tested Burnout: Revenge which was amazing fun and the fact I was getting paid was just a bonus :p

SO you were part responsible for those White Mountain Preview Laps!

Let's get im!
Unconditional said:
Sorry for the late response.

As long as you show a genuine interest in gaming then you have a good chance.

I had previous game testing experience but it shoudn't really matter too much.

All they are going to do is get you to play some games and have a quick chat with you, nothing too challenging. BTW you'll be on shifts I think so hours are 7.30am-3 or 3pm-10.30.

thanks for replying anyway :)

I think it went well, can't obviously talk about what I may or may not have played, but I did well in the tests I think.

My shift would be 22:00 to 07:00 mon - thurs.
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