Interviewing for Americans

20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
I've got through to a final interview stage which will be a video call with 2 employees based in the American office (American based company) as there will be a lot of links with them.

I'd normally say i interview quite well and am often invited back for second stages, however i'm wondering i need to approach this slightly differently.

I've never had a video based interview before and not with Americans who may have a slightly different culture and attitude. One issue i often find is i'm not great at selling myself, i'll happily talk about my achievements and what i can bring to the company but i tend to use phrases like we/team rather than myself. Given the stereotypes around of Americans i wonder if this may work against me.

Any tips for winning around Americans and for video interviews in general?
It's a manufacturing company. The UK division is pretty much just based on carpet and floor coverings but the US owners cover a wide range from manufacture to innovating chemicals.

Don't figure it would hurt to include the name of the company.
Thanks guys. My role is finance based and I do have some experience of working with US based finance teams. Just not being interviewed by them.

Think I'll just prepare as I normally would and try to adapt as necessary. One thing I had thought of doing was to ask the first interviewer if he had any advice. Although I wasn't sure if this showed enthusiasm for the role and a willing to impress or if it looked like I wasn't capable of dealing with it on my own.
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