Introduction on C.V.

5 Jul 2019

I am currently taking some time out to study at home. My career is a website and graphic designer, but I am applying for some local part-time customer service jobs.

I am trying to write an introduction for my C.V., but currently it is aimed towards web design jobs and i'm not sure how to word this to sound like I'm interested in a customer service job.

Does anyone have any tips on how I should word my opening statement?

Many thanks!
Say why you want to work in customer service and what you can bring to that role. Think about what skills you gained from those jobs that link to customer service e.g did you deal with external customers on the phone/face to face/email. If not did you deal with internal customers eg other staff and consider how you used customer service techniques.
I agree re the cover letter. But it depend on whether the job ask for a cover letter and the cv introduction/personal profile should always be specific to the job applied and give a brief overview to highlight skills the person has that makes them suitable.
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