Intune Company Portal

6 Jan 2013
Work are asking me to install Intune and a Power App for some new communication system they want to use. I've said I'm not happy to install that on my personal device, mainly because if I remember correctly Intune requests permission to wipe the device if it thinks there's a security exploit.

Do any of you use Intune? Am I remembering correctly?
Thanks for replies so far. What's annoying me with this is that they're just trying to create a facility to share company updates, so I don't see why they can't just leave it as an email distribution facility. I think it's a bit of a stretch to expect us to install 3 apps on our personal phone (Intune, Authenticator & PowerApp) just so we can receive push messages about how Juan in accounts in our Bangladesh office has retired after 27 years with the company.
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