Inverting Channels X-Fi/Auzentech/Vista

20 Aug 2006
can anyone help please ?

I'm not sure if this is a hardware thing or software ! or neither !

first off plugged into my Auzentech to AV Receiver (6 channel input)

1x IXOS 3.5mm to Phono Red/black for Left Right
2x OEM 3.5mm to Phono Red/Black - cheap cables (sub/centre and LR and RR)

and even though I had used the IXOS cable for 4 months with my 360 - correct sound placement what I thought - when I did the speaker test the F/L were coming out of wrong speakers !

so I thought darn - the cable is wired incorrectly ! - so swapped it round on amp side - to wrong way round ie white to right and red to left .. and bingo fine

bought 2 new cables today - Philips metal plugged OFC ones

to replace OEM cheap ones, and darn - now both of those sets of channels are swapped !

so now all the cables into my amp are now white = right and red = left !!

is this a bug in the X-Fis/Auzentechs ? the only reason I ask is I had a X-Fi card about 18 months back and I'm sure at one point when I had it connected to my Logitech Z-5500 that the rear speakers swapped round to being wrong - with no changes by myself

any ideas please ?
ah thanks :)

I'm not actually on those drivers - just downloading now ... :) I was on the Beta 1 which was released 1st of July 2008

they were a bit buggy I have to say things like in Entertainment mode the Bass Xover did not work, but in Game mode it did !

Having real problems with the LFE channel at the moment :( - like you I have a decent setup, Tannoy Revs at the front ( :) ) plus a SVS-PC-Ultra 13 (:) !! - replaced a Monolith DF)

and I just can't set the bass right for some reason

I think its as on most - but not the very newest AV amps, the analogue 6 channel inputs, require a +10dB boost on the LFE signal - but just the LFE signal I think not the redirect bass as well - this is very confusing. - and I'm not sure if its not needed on both.

just can't seem to get the balance of the re-directed bass via crossover and the actual dedicated LFE channel right :(

cheers, Mark.
ah thanks :)

I'm not actually on those drivers - just downloading now ... :) I was on the Beta 1 which was released 1st of July 2008

they were a bit buggy I have to say things like in Entertainment mode the Bass Xover did not work, but in Game mode it did !

Having real problems with the LFE channel at the moment :( - like you I have a decent setup, Tannoy Revs at the front ( :) ) plus a SVS-PC-Ultra 13 (:) !! - replaced a Monolith DF)

and I just can't set the bass right for some reason

I think its as on most - but not the very newest AV amps, the analogue 6 channel inputs, require a +10dB boost on the LFE signal - but just the LFE signal I think not the redirect bass as well - this is very confusing. - and I'm not sure if its not needed on both.

just can't seem to get the balance of the re-directed bass via crossover and the actual dedicated LFE channel right :(

cheers, Mark. (do not download if you overclock it resets you system and there hard too remove)

i am running beta 1.1 auzen told me too uninstall them on there drivers that redirect bass works on analog (sounds miles better) but on sdif i here no differance

i no what you mean about the drivers the sdif out i get that dll/dts sound stop and loop. i have been on to them loads i also get mic stop on analog mode :mad:

also trust me mate there are new drivers coming soon:)

also i nearly got SVS-PC-Ultra 13 class the depth 700 massive if i do upgrade sub thats the only way too go .. but this sub is set up 10 voulme and still enough also it is runin now need to sort that audessy again
i am running beta 1.1 auzen told me too uninstall them on there drivers that redirect bass works on analog (sounds miles better) but on sdif i here no differance

sorry - not sure what you mean here ? did you uninstall Beta 1.1 or beta 1.1 was better ?

I have Beta 1 on atm and I overclock :( will I have problems removed Beta 1 ?

My Monolith was the best subwoofer I'd owned (had RELs etc before) - but the PC-Ultra is !!!!! - its actually more restrained than the Monolith - it goes very very deep though I think in my room its flat easily down to below 18Hz :) - can really shake the house.

thanks for the help, Mark.
i am running beta 1.1 auzen told me too uninstall them on there drivers that redirect bass works on analog (sounds miles better) but on sdif i here no differance

sorry - not sure what you mean here ? did you uninstall Beta 1.1 or beta 1.1 was better ?

I have Beta 1 on atm and I overclock :( will I have problems removed Beta 1 ?

My Monolith was the best subwoofer I'd owned (had RELs etc before) - but the PC-Ultra is !!!!! - its actually more restrained than the Monolith - it goes very very deep though I think in my room its flat easily down to below 18Hz :) - can really shake the house.

thanks for the help, Mark.

no mate i left the 1.1 on waiting for the new drivers . the beta 1 yes it leaves dts and creative tool box in add and remove not removed 1.1 yet but i am going to use a driver cleaner

how come you updated too the ultra? seen it on utube house shaker lol
I was going to upgrade my Pioneer 2011 to an amp with HDMI inputs, but I demoed about 5 amps up to 900 pounds (Onkyo 875, Pioneer LX-60 etc), and found they sounded no better than my current amp, and in fact seemed to have less grunt. So decided to blow the money on new subwoofer instead

wife is happy as it uses up less floor space - but vertically its massive

has so much power though and is effortless !
I was going to upgrade my Pioneer 2011 to an amp with HDMI inputs, but I demoed about 5 amps up to 900 pounds (Onkyo 875, Pioneer LX-60 etc), and found they sounded no better than my current amp, and in fact seemed to have less grunt. So decided to blow the money on new subwoofer instead

wife is happy as it uses up less floor space - but vertically its massive

has so much power though and is effortless !

one reason i did not get the ultra HUGE but mm if i need to upgrade i would very much look at the ultra so now come you swapped the monolith too ultra

the 875 went down too 599 you no sliver black was hard to get .. i went from pioneer E07 to current big sound differance
have to say I was very tempted with a 875 - especially now at current prices !

if you ever upgrade your sub though you would not be disappointed with a PC-Ultra !

I don't think you can get better without spending really silly money !

you should see the box it came in ! I'm glad my wife didn't !
have to say I was very tempted with a 875 - especially now at current prices !

if you ever upgrade your sub though you would not be disappointed with a PC-Ultra !

I don't think you can get better without spending really silly money !

you should see the box it came in ! I'm glad my wife didn't !

no what you mean thats why i got the monolith very good for music also
how much you sell the monolith for..

lol class no what you mean . the delivery driver who dropped the monolith off i watched him walk down the drive with it nearly caused a hernia lol

hurry mate for the 875 the 876 is out soon

trying too pm you but got no go i have a good like for auzen cards for trouble best for this card ( i am running game your running entertanment mode) if you can pm me do so

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