My i5 3570k @ 4.4 + 970 OC'd just about runs it on high at 1080p locked to 30fps.
My crappy i7 4771 and 8Gb 480 run it at 3840x2160 locked at 30FPS with Ultra settings, surprised the 970 can't match it unless it's a VRAM thing.
At worst I'd say you'd be fine at 1080P Ultra settings at 30FPS.
Is the game locked at 30 fps?
is it worth it on pc?
loved 1 and 2 (mainly 1) on console
just wondering how it is and how it runs
my specs are in the signature. the ms store said some of mine didn't even reach the min spec yet they surpass it .
ill be running it at 1080
yea if anything the ultimate edition was the one I was gonna get. for that money id like a well finished game
I got the Ultimate and was slightly miffed about the quality of the release but you should have no problems at 30fps. I tried that and while it feels like it's in slow motion (too used to 30fps), it doesn't drop or stutter. Thankfully, the 1070/4790k can power through the issues and more or less hold 60fps outside certain parts of Surfers.
I'd grab a couple of cheaper Live cards and redeem them on Windows Store. That way you'll be able to save a bit on the Ultimate, if you're absolutely set on it. Frankly, you'd be hard-pressed to find a better game for car enthusiasts.