Investing ~£70k of cash

13 May 2003
What's current best tactics for saving / investing sub-£100k levels of cash?

Should I see a financial adviser, or is that overkill / unnecessary expense?

Main objectives are to maximise / fund children's education (relevant in 5 years) and help with a house move (again in c. 5 years).

I'm thinking:

- £5k holiday upgrade
- £20k short term access / emergency idea what vehicle though
- £20k S&S ISA
- £5k simply sitting in flex saver current account for unforeseen immediate expenses
- £20k in premium bonds? Which I gather are rubbish unless you're lucky, in which case should this it into my 2.5% mortgage? Or more equity?

Asking on an internet forum which has nothing to do with investing and where most people won't earn that in 5 years, just so you get to look cool. :D
Well I didn't really earn this either, if it helps your ego.

Seems like there are quite a few on here that know what to do with this sort of sum.

Thanks for the help so far.
Just to finally follow up on this old thread about basic personal savings and investments, and to address a few queries...

I'm extremely risk averse, with a young family and a mortgage.

I'm not mortgage free, but my mortgage rate is only 1.7% and is currently fixed for five years. I can only pay off up to 10% of the remaining balance per annum.

Against common wisdom perhaps, I chose to maximise premium bonds (£50k) and put the rest into a S&S ISA with dividends reinvested automatically.

I didn't see an IFA.

The PB is acting as my emergency / instant access fund, with any 'prizes' going into the annual ISA allowance. The ISA will be a long-term investment. Currently the PB return is slightly above par / expected value.

Finally, I've increased my pension contributions so that I'm on track to maximise the lifetime allowance.
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