Invisible shield users - In the Box

26 Oct 2002
East Sussex
Just a quickie,

I have today received my Invisible shield for the Iphone 3G (ordered from CPW)

Anyone purchased on of these recently? did your bottle of "Shieldspray" have writing on the bottle?

Secondly I have googled some images on the Squeegee as I didn't think I had received one. In the my box I have an all in one Installation and Gift Card! It basically looks like a credit card size card.

Did anyone else receive one of these, instead of the Squeege?
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My bottle doesn't have any writing on it, all the videos I have watched have a proper squeegee and writing on the bottle.
Did you leave it to dry?

got the 3GS and the Invisible Shield, I will have a go at installing it later.
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