iOS 7.1 Safari Crashes - Anyone still having Issues?

31 Jan 2010
After a few days with iOS 7.1 on the iPad Air I have really noticed the speed improvements which is great! Sadly I have also noticed that my Safari Crashes are still happening. It also seems to happen with other apps that show web content including Feedly and Mail, maybe they are powered by Safari in some way?

Anyway my question is......Would a full restore in iTunes fix this or is everyone else on 7.1 still having this issue with the crashes?

Thanks in Advance!
Sadly didn't help, still happened about 5 mins after trying that.

Going for a full restore in iTunes, have downloaded the 7.1 ipsw file so I can do a full offline restore. Guessing this is my best chance of success.

Just waiting for iCloud backup to complete, wish me luck :D
No crashes, but embedded Youtube videos still don't display most of the time.

I had that problem with embedded videos in feedly but that seems to have fixed its self.

After restore I have only had one app crash and that was the Argos App, but that may be because there was 10 apps queued for download in the background.

Will post back in a few days to let you know how I'm getting on, fingers and toes crossed :D
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