ios 7, iworks and icloud....

3 Dec 2002
Groovin' @ the disco

I've just noticed on both my ios 7 devices, my iworks programs (pages and numbers) have stopped syncing with icloud. notes and reminders work fine, and it still working fine on my imac and mbp.

I've tried removing the icloud account and resetting it up but still na na... I've just deleted both sets of apps on both devices and just waiting for it to reinstall, but both was working fine on ios 6.

Anyone else come across this issue?
I'm having issues with reminders, I've not checked any of my iWork apps yet but I will later, think there are general issues all round atm and until Apple get a fix out were a bit stuck :(
Yeah, one of my mates at work says his reminders ain't syncing correctly.

I went and disable, deleting pre-syncs, enabling it on all my devices and machines, i'd even reset my ipad and it's still not working.

I guess I will have to use the save option while Apple sorts it out.
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