iOS Application, Where do I start?

25 Dec 2009
London, UK
Hello guys,

I was wondering where to start on creating an app for the iOS platform and then eventually an Android based app also.

These are the few things that I want this app to do:
  • Basic Line Navigation e.g. About Us, Contact Us etc
  • Have a Login
  • Display Projects
  • Be able to send out notifications from a person who has logged in
The app is for a construction company, I know this is not going to be easy, all I would like to know is where to start, I don't mind reading a couple books if it comes to it to learn the knowledge, I have knowledge of PHP, some Java, HTML5, CSS and a few others.

I also know that you have to pay a yearly fee to Apple to become a developer.

Would this be a place to start?

Any help is appreciated,

Thanks in advance.
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25 Dec 2009
London, UK
Is there any reason why you want a mobile app?

There have been a lot of articles for mobile app vs responsive website/webapp

Here are some points made in a recent article I read this week

Personally, I have a android phone and if I download an app that is basically a website I just remove it (eg: three mobile app) as I can just use my web browser.

It's because the company want's an app, they have a website which is very basic itself, and this company is not a small company and will have many people who use it on a daily basis, for projects, jobs etc.

And I know that a native app to iOS will run a lot smoother than a webapp/website will and even be able to store data offline such as contacts.
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25 Dec 2009
London, UK
Ok quick couple of points/queries;

1) If its primarily for a company then an enterprise license is needed in order to make the apps "private" for the company only £400(iirc). Otherwise youll have to release on the main app store.

2)Other than PHP none of the languages you've listed will be much use for an iOS app. iOS for something like this would require obj-C, PHP, SQL(not huge amounts of knowledge by far).

3) Are you charging this company? :eek:.

I found this guy quite useful when I was starting out;

1) No need to make it private, as anyone should be able to use it.

2) I've worked with SQL for databases e.g. phpmyadmin so Obj-C I would have to pick up on and the others as I haven't coded for a while.

3) You see the company I'm doing it for doesn't actually know, not yet anyway, I want to create it then present it to them, my Dad knows and works with the CEO & Chairman, which will enable me to present it to him if my dad asks him and If they like it no doubt they will give me my fair share of the money to say the least :D.

Thanks again for the responses.
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