iOS Gaming Wishlist

16 Apr 2007
Hey all!

Gaming was big for iOS when the iPhone was released, but it became even bigger and better when the iPad was released!

I think bigger publishers are now seeing the benefit and potential with gaming on iOS, as some are now making remakes and whole new IPs for the platform!

But there are some games that could be amazing on the iPad or iPhone that may not have been realised!

Here is my list:

  • Rollercoaster Tycoon - 1 or 2 would be perfect for the iPad. I wasn't a massive fan of the third one, but I imagine that could work aswell!
  • Theme Hospital - This is a no brainer!
  • Theme Park - This is currently available, but it isn't like it used to be. I've not tried it, but apparently it's full of horrible DLC :(
  • Abes Oddysee - I loved this on the PC and think it could be perfect on both the iPhone and iPad!
So, what games do you wish they'd release for the iPhone or iPad?

Grim Fandango (form the PC)
Roller Coaster 1 and 2 (from the PC, didn't like the third!)
Sonic 3 (from the Megadrive)
Sonic and Knuckles (form the Megadrive)
Micro Machines (from the Megadrive)
C&C (the original and tiberium sun) EDIT: AND I WANT THE ORIGINAL RED ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
FF7 (NEVER going to happen though :( )
Lemmings (could be fun if revamped)
Zelda (the old Gameboy ones)
Mario party!

I think that is it... Well, it would keep me going for a while!
Grim Fandango (form the PC)
Roller Coaster 1 and 2 (from the PC, didn't like the third!)
Sonic 3 (from the Megadrive)
Sonic and Knuckles (form the Megadrive)
Micro Machines (from the Megadrive)
C&C (the original and tiberium sun) EDIT: AND I WANT THE ORIGINAL RED ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:
FF7 (NEVER going to happen though :( )
Lemmings (could be fun if revamped)
Zelda (the old Gameboy ones)
Mario party!

I think that is it... Well, it would keep me going for a while!

I'd love to see FF 7 and 8 on the iPad! C & C would also work really well :D

Front Mission 3

Ah yeah I used to love that on the Playstation :D
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