IOS6 to IOS5 - Possible?

6 Aug 2010
Hi all

Someone at work was asking me about doing this but I am not sure it is possible. I know when you jailbreak ios5 (using redsn0w) you download the ios too. I was wondering if you put a the phone into recovery (or similar) whether you could instal the previous ios over the top. I appreciate it would be an effective reset of the phone so all apps would be lost but they could be re-installed.

I have googled around some about this but can't find much info on the subject, especially since a lot of places ban talk of jailbreaking so these sort of threads get closed. So as there are some much smarter people than me on here I thought I would ask.

You can downgrade from IOS6 to IOS5, but the process (and prerequisites) are different depending on what device you are trying to downgrade.

But in a nutshell, for newer devices you'd need saved shsh blobs in order to "downgrade" to IOS5.
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