iOS7 has trashed the functionality of the Music player

19 Apr 2008
Writing this thread because there is a massive host of new quirks and stupid behaviour introduced by the updated music player in iOS7.

Faults/stupid changes from iOS6 include the following;

- You could swipe an album in iOS6, and it would give you the option to delete. You can only delete songs one at a time now.

- If a song title was too long you could press and hold it and a little pop up with show the full name, this no longer happens (in playlist or viewing a list of songs in an album).

- If a song title was too long, the main music player view would scroll like a ticker. This no longer happens and the end of the title is chopped off. See below.


- You will also notice that the volume slider and skip next button can be close together, a few times I have missed the skip button by 1mm and delivered a deafening blast of music to my ears. Not nice.

- The music view in the lock screen is a nice touch, poorly executed though. If you don't have your thumb exactly on the slider to skip through a track/podcast you will just end up swiping to unlock. The volume slider and skip keys are too close, again a chance of a nice deafening blast of music is present.



(I had my thumb on the tab/slider and it still did that.)

- You can no longer play podcasts using the music app, you HAVE to use the Podcasts app, which is the worst app in the entire universe. Ever. I deleted a podcast from my iPhone, and when I checked iTunes it removed TWO HUNDRED episodes from the last few years worth of something when it synced. SIGH.

- The final stupid thing, I think... Sometimes when I take my phone out of my pocket, the music player will get stuck in landscape mode, like this...


So I have to rotate my phone..


and back again..


Stupid, right?


- I have a couple of smart playlists that sync music from the last week/month depending on type, the music syncs across fine but the playlists do not update. This has just started.

- If I delete songs from the iPhone and want them back, they won't sync back automatically. I end up having to deselect the playlists, syncing the phone and then selecting the playlists and syncing. I used to be able to delete loads of albums on iOS6 to save space and load them back instantly when I sync, this doesn't happen any more.

I don't mind change, but this is stupid. There's been two smaller updates since too, nothing has been fixed.

I suppose my question is, is there another bloody music app for iOS?
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I noticed the thing with the time slider and the unlock, VERY annoying. Also in iOS6, a double tap of the home button gave you the music options, now it's very on or off whether it will do it, it's really annoying when you're out and about and want to change song quickly.
Smart Playlists are broken till Apple acknowledge and fix it. Also 7.0.3 intriduces some very nasty syncing bugs (to the point where you could find it not synching anything at all), so if you haven't upgrade to 7.0.3, then don't.

I had the same Podcast issue too. It deleted them all.

This is without a doubt the worst iOS with regards to bugs and issues, and you're right, what they did to the music app was awful. They should be sacked just for making us use the bug ridden Podcast app.
I noticed the thing with the time slider and the unlock, VERY annoying. Also in iOS6, a double tap of the home button gave you the music options, now it's very on or off whether it will do it, it's really annoying when you're out and about and want to change song quickly.

With music playing it should unlock with music options immediately. Pressing the home button once switches between music options and big clock
Obviously just use control centre when your wanting to start playing music

Does that help at all?
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