Really looking forward to it, Living in Southampton makes it a easy trip over the water, top must see bands for me are The Kooks, Lou Reed, Richard Ashcroft, Primal Scream, The Foo’s and Coldplay will be worth a watch I’m sure.
NO screening of the England football match! Unbelievable I know! – apparently there are only 3 pubs in the IOW showing the game, and from what I have found out stinky festival goes are not that welcome…
So get you mini TV’s guys!
Apparently the main reason they are not showing it is due to Glastonbury 2004, when England went out on penalties there was chaos, so many people drugged up took a turn for the worse, lots of fights and mini riots kicked off.
NO screening of the England football match! Unbelievable I know! – apparently there are only 3 pubs in the IOW showing the game, and from what I have found out stinky festival goes are not that welcome…
So get you mini TV’s guys!
Apparently the main reason they are not showing it is due to Glastonbury 2004, when England went out on penalties there was chaos, so many people drugged up took a turn for the worse, lots of fights and mini riots kicked off.