iPad 2 VM Tivo Remote....

18 Oct 2002
Rumour has it (well, fact within the application) that the TV Guide App on the iPad 2 can do cool stuff like plan recordings etc.

I'm having some 'fun' trying to get it to take my VM Login details (it keeps rejecting them, regardless what I enter) and it can't seem to see my Tivo box.

I've heard you might need to plug the Tivo box into your local area network to get it to work....

Anyone got this working care to tell me what I'm doing wrong please ?
With the TV Guide app you don't need a connection to the TiVo box. You literally add your login details and then make recording schedules. Then the recordings are sent to your box.

Make sure the login details are correct, they should be the same login details as here.

If it still doesn't take your details I wouldn't stress too hard as Virgin are making an official TiVo app that will let you do loads of stuff (Including recordings etc.).
Yeah, those are the login details I'm using

Any ideas on timescale for the VM app?

Unfortunately, no :( They've been promising it since late last year. I would imagine (or maybe I'm just hoping) it'll be released in March this year...

If you can't wait though you can use the US TiVo app instead...

People talk about it a lot here. Unfortunately, the latest TiVo update turned off support for any network remotes (Such as Peanut), so to get it to work you have to download an app and run it so it tricks your TiVo box into accepting the US app. Really it's just so you can get a taster for what we can expect to come soon. I've used it and it's pretty damn sexy (On the iPhone at least, looks even better on the iPad from what I've seen on Youtube).

Just searched for TiVo iPad app to see if you guys have been using the US version. Either my search skills suck or you don't know about it. The US version of the TiVo app works with some add on scripts that have now been compiled into a easy to use .exe. I'm using it now. Only down side is you need to keep it running on a mac, PC or laptop. Even so the app is well worth the effort given that the official virgin media TiVo app isn't due out until September.

Edit..... Deleted how to setup US app store account in the UK as it breakes the Apple EULA.

Depending on your machine, PC or MAC. You need to be running a program on your PC desktop, laptop or MAC to get it to work. Also you will need apples bonjour service installed as well. If you have iTunes on your machine then you have bonjour already, it runs as a service.
The programmes are needed to fool the app into connecting to your TiVo box due to some config settings done by Virgin.

Windows .exe here.


Download and create a folder on your desktop. Extract the downloaded file into this folder and then run the .exe file. A box will pop up with the name and ip of your TiVo box.

If your iPad is jail broken you can get the python scripts and run them via python on your pad without needing to run the .exe on your PC. See the link at the bottom to cable forums.

At this point I should mention to make sure your TiVo box is connected to your router via eithanet cable from the network port on the back of the TiVo box. Once you have it plugged into your network power cycle the TiVo so your router assigned it an IP. If the program on your desktop finds your TiVo, grab your iPad and start the TiVo app click search for TiVo box. It will find 2, select the one that has VM in front of the short code. Then follow the instructions to find your TiVo's media key. Type that in and you're ready to go.

Only down side it you will have to keep your PC on and the small program running to act as the go between for your iPad and TiVo box.

Full info found here, the interesting stuff starts at page 16.


That is all enjoy,


My grammer and spellings are not the best feel free to edit and pass on.
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