iPhone 2g 4/8gb

14 Apr 2008
iPhone 2/3g 8gb

Question. After selling my iPhone 3G in times when I needed serious money, I have begun to miss my iPhone. I decided to wait till the new model was announced and see if o2 were planning Upgrades for those currently on a 3G contract.

As most of you know this isn't happening. I have no were near enough money to buy a 3G again(PAYG), so I thought I would have a look for a 2G.

The important thing is this. What were the differences between the 2G and the 3G? Were they major processor/ram upgrades etc? My reason for asking this is because I'm worried the phone might be a bit sluggish running 2.2 or even 3.0

If anyone could answer these it would be a great help!
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Errr. After having a look at some on eBay, and seeing they still go for £180+ I'm beginning to think getting a 8gb 3G may be the best bet.

Need to do sums, but I am thinking of selling my Desktop and then some other stuff, which would give me quite a figure for a Laptop and an iPhone.
So yeah, I'm thinking of going for a 3G. My plan is this,

I have until March on my current 3G contract. So I am planning to buy another 3G, and use that until my contract expires. When this happens I am going to get a simplicity SIM and use that until June/July and see if a new model is released. If not, I will just use the same setup I have until a new one is released, and if there is a new one announced, take the plunge and get that!

Now onto actually finding a 3G. First and foremost, if anybody is selling one on here, I may well be interested. But otherwise were would you say is the best place to pick a 2nd hand one up, eBay? or a forums like this or Avforums?
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