iPhone 2G Pwned error 21/160x

10 Apr 2004
This is REALLY starting to grate on me.

iTunes refuses to restore to a pwned ipsw without erroring yet the unpwned is fine.

I've reverted back to 2.1 to see if my slide to unlock screen problems go.

Guess I'll be using quickpwn again :rolleyes:

Anyone had this issue and how did you solve it?

Are you putting it in to DFU properly?

FYI there are 2 DFU modes.. 1 which shows an iTunes cable, and 1 that shows an all black screen.

Also, what firmware are you currently running? I officially upgraded to 2.1 in iTunes, then used PwnageTool to update to a custom 2.2 build (on my brother's iPhone 2G).

Post the error code, and I'll see what I can do.
Tried it both ways dude, won't have any of it.

Not that it matters anyway, my phone sometimes won't "slide to unlock" yet its fine once its on :rolleyes:


Oh well RiP iPhone

Edit: For the sake of it im going to do how you did it seeing as im at a normal 2.1 atm and its in full DFU (screen off) mode. If not its quickpwn time again.

Then im going to phone apple and then im going to see how much a new screen and touch bit is. Incredibly annoying :(
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Have you upgraded to 10.5.6 mate? Apparently it is on the iPhone dev blog with people saying that they are having problems getting their iPhone into DFU mode. It is not a problem with the pwnagetool but a problem with the latest version of Mac OS X. They are saying that the only way to get around the problem is to use QuickPwn for Windows, oh the irony :p

Hope this works for you matey.
Yea i've read all that but mine goes into DFU mode perfectly with 10.5.6.

Sadly it doesn't matter since my touch screen is on the blink.

Going to talk to apple to see what the score is.
Yup. Tried it in every mode conceivable :p

Just won't have it.

Finally just quickpwn'd it to 2.2.

Going to move to O2 anyway sometime soon so it doesn't really matter for the moment! :)
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