The last couple of days the silent button on my 2G iPhone has started playing up. It doesn't appear to do anything when switched anymore, no vibrate or picture on the screen. Im pretty sure it's stuck on normal mode at the moment.
I am planning on taking it to an Apple shop at the weekend, but Im not sure about warranty as I have never activated it, I bought it when the prices dropped last year, and just put my O2 SIM in it, its also been Jailbroken, but I believe I can just restore from iTunes to sort that.
So my question is, will they question (or even know) that it hasn't been activated?
I am planning on taking it to an Apple shop at the weekend, but Im not sure about warranty as I have never activated it, I bought it when the prices dropped last year, and just put my O2 SIM in it, its also been Jailbroken, but I believe I can just restore from iTunes to sort that.
So my question is, will they question (or even know) that it hasn't been activated?