iPhone 3G 16GB - Thoughts...

1 Jan 2009
Hi all,

I have recently upgraded my phone from a Nokia N95 standard to a iPhone 3G 16GB.

I am with o2. My contract on my N95 was 600 minutes, 1000 texts and unlimited texts all weekend and this only cost me £35 over 18 months.

With the iPhone I have 500 texts and 600 minutes but have added an unlimited text bolt on for £7.50. Therefore the iPhone is £42.50 over 18 months. I also get the unlimited data which will allow me to always be on the net.

I had the choice of paying £155 for the iPhone new or £99 for a reconditioned handset so I went for the £99 option.

I have read a new of reviews about the iPhone and they have mainly been good with the odd exception.

What are your thoughts on the iPhone (good and bad) and the contract that I now have?

Thanks :)
Considering most rival phones can be found for free on a £35 a month contract with similar minutes, texts etc, My opinion is that the iPhone does a few things well and you should purchase it if they are important.

Pros: Music, Internet (although not the full internet).
Cons: Camera, Customisability (3rd party software etc), battery (my mate says it's not brilliant)

Tbh I've just got a new Omnia and this is the thought path I went through. I considered getting pretty much every phone at one point (G1, iPhone, HD Touch, Xperia, Diamond) and ended up with the omnia as it had the least amount of negatives (only a low res screen but its not too bad.)

Personally I think you're paying a premium for not much benefit but it's entirely down to your preferences.
i personally think the iphone is awesome

I use a phone for calls, sms, email, music and browsing

The iphone is great for all of these, things just work without much fuss. Prior to this I had a sucession of WM6 phones and despite various companies efforts to paper over WM6, its fundamentally a stylus based OS which is a pain for using on the go.

Iphone is by no means flawless, but the flaws are well documented, so its up to you to decide if they bother you. Personally I just like the way things are integrated and can put up with the slightly restrictive stance Apple have taken with it, for the fact that things just work.

The only other device i've used recently that tempted me to switch was the blackberry bold.
I'm currently in the same boat as my contract with Orange expires soon. Theres no question that the iphone is a quality bit of kit, with as mentioned before - well documented problems. Thing is, that is just is such a damn nice phone to use, which I could do with after some of the shockers i've had in the past.

Other contender is the G1 but the poor battery life and questionable build quality don't sit well with me.

The ideal phone for me would probably be an HTC Touch HD with Android.
My perfect phone was the xperia but I couldn't risk the signal issues (it is a phone after all!)
It may not come as a surprise for you all to hear but I recieved the phone today and it will be back in the post first thing in the morning.

I have never used a 'phone' that is so hard to use, navigate and just do general texts etc...

My thoughts are this is a great 'gadget' but nothing more and really shouldn't function as a phone.

I am now using an old phone but am looking at getting something that I know I will get on with. I am tempted to get the N95 8gb as I like phone that do not have the touch screen as they are easier and faster to use.

Any suggestions on any other phones that may interest me? I feel phones that follow the Nokia layout and functions.


Hi all,

I have recently upgraded my phone from a Nokia N95 standard to a iPhone 3G 16GB.

I am with o2. My contract on my N95 was 600 minutes, 1000 texts and unlimited texts all weekend and this only cost me £35 over 18 months.

With the iPhone I have 500 texts and 600 minutes but have added an unlimited text bolt on for £7.50. Therefore the iPhone is £42.50 over 18 months. I also get the unlimited data which will allow me to always be on the net.

I had the choice of paying £155 for the iPhone new or £99 for a reconditioned handset so I went for the £99 option.

I have read a new of reviews about the iPhone and they have mainly been good with the odd exception.

What are your thoughts on the iPhone (good and bad) and the contract that I now have?

Thanks :)
Strikes me as a bit odd that you didn't try the phone in an O2 shop first before using it, however someone will probably get a cheaper iphone because of you so it's all good :p

If you like the Nokia's perhaps try the N96 or, the N97 is due out soon and a lot of the chaps on here seem to be raving about it.
it's interesting you say that, i take it the text entry was a problem?

as honestly in terms of navigation i've yet to see better than the iphone

text entry i found just takes practice, but its love it or hate it in general.

i can't recommend the blackberry bold highly enough. its a great device
i can't recommend the blackberry bold highly enough. its a great device

Yup id recommend having a look at the Bold even if you dont want the push email facility but then thats the whole point of the Bold really. But its an absolute joy, texting is so easy and simple on it...even firing off a long email is a joy as the keyboard is easy to use....your thumbs sit at a natural position.

Possibly the best device ive ever used and ive had a lot of phones but the Bold is the one that brings me the most joy out of all of them. Im drooling at the anticipation that later this yr, the updated Bold will also have a touch screen with the keyboard....thats going to be one awesome device.
I love my Iphone, had it since the end of november.

I had a bridging the gap period where I tried out a number of phones, only to send them all back in the end ( HTC Touch HD + G1, Samsung Omnia + Inov8) I even had an Iphone that I sent back the same day, only to change my mind.

It does some very simple things so very well that I now wouldn't want to live without, the sms messages listed as a chat menu is the easiest example of this.
Also after jailbreaking it, it has removed some of the original limitations, no mms's no video etc.

In tearms of a replacement, the Nokia E71 is very well regarded, Also the Samsung Inov8 is very very similar to the N95/N96 and has a few extra features which might be worth a look
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