iPhone 3g - 2.2 SMS Error Sending

22 Feb 2007
Every message i try and send gets a 3rd of the way through and stops with "Error Sending Message".

All worked fine before I went to Barcelona for the weekend, last one I sent was from over there.

Anyone experianced this problem? Will call o2 shorlty, when they open the lines, pfff

I had that a few times (before 2.2 though) and turning off 3G seemed to fix it. Turn 3G on again a few minutes later and it all worked again. Moving around (presumably to another mast) also seemed to fix it.
I've restarted it.
Cleaned SIM.
Soft re-booted.
Changed networks.
Tried 3G on and off.
Put SIM in another phone and it works.

O2 can't help, told me to go to Carphone WH. They said they will have to send it off and lend me "loan phone".
I drove to the nearest Apple Store, only to find out you have to make an appointment with a "Genius", apples name for an IT Techie. Got their at 11:45, next available appointment, 3pm. Took 10seconds to decide if I could wait till then, lost 15mins, next appointment 3.15pm.

Anyway, at 3.20pm the Genius told me he'd seen problem before, swapped it for a new one.

So no fix yet for this it seems.
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