iPhone 3G battery dying fast

2 Jan 2005
West Midlands
it used to last like 2days without using the internet, now only half of day.
If i book appointment with apple, do they swap the battery or give me a replacement?
I have the same problem, since 3.0 I have to charge my phone at least twice a day and thats hardly using it.

Is they a standard number you call to book an appointment? or just your local store?
it used to last like 2days without using the internet, now only half of day.
If i book appointment with apple, do they swap the battery or give me a replacement?

If they can't fix the problem then they will replace it as long as the phone is under one year old.
Try a full wipe and restore in itunes. I had a similar problem with my battery and that fixed it for me. I'd be purprised if they completley replaced the phone as it's only a battery change out, but you never know.
i'm going to try and get mine replaced as its hilarious now, i'm usually getting 20% warnings by about 4pm and i don't think i use the internet that much on it.
I got my 8Gb 3G swaped last week for having a bad battery (20% charge left after 3hrs use) and fluff under the screen. I was only in the store for about 10 mins, pretty good service I thought :)
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