iPhone 3G - Dead

19 Oct 2002
Auckland, New Zealand
So I was getting ready to leave work earlier, got my headphones out and put them in had a chat with a few people... Came to choose a song, but all I had was a black screen, like it had been turned off. Spent ages pressing all the buttons trying to make it come to life and nothing... Left it while I went to the gym.. Just got in now, plugged it in to the cradle as I thought it might have run out of power... And nothing, not a dickybird! Could it just be frozen or is it indeed dead??? I've had nothing but issues with this phone... Constant freezing when trying to answer calls, locking up, crashing... Anybody else suffered similar things with theirs?? :mad:
I was going to say Dead Battery... I had this problem a few month back and my Battery was dead.... If you put the back of the iphone to your ear you hear a faint noise if you dont then the battery is dead..
Thankyou! Had to do a full hard reset, took a couple of goes though! Its now running and seems to be 'ok'. I am still tempted to take it back, but I might see how it goes now.

Awesome :). Glad you got it working.

If you start to get problems again try restoring the phone, if that doesn't work then just get it replaced.
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