iPhone 3G - Firmware 3.0 Upgrade

3 Jun 2003
Its probably a silly question but please bear with me.

I get most of my podcasts and apps directly through the itunes and app store in the iPhone. In fact I hardly sync with itunes on the PC these days, and I have it set to manually manage stuff rather than automatically sync.

With that in mind, if I do the upgrade to firmware 3.0, what do I need to do first not to lose apps currently on the iPhone, and also stuff like e-mails, e-mail settings, notes, contacts, etc.

Do I have to back all this up on iTunes first? (And how) or does the firmware installation process do a backup, install and restore by itself?

Thanks in advance.

Note: My iPhone is legally open (italian) and not jailbroken.
You just click 'update' and it will update your phone without touching anything else, nothing will get erased unless you press 'restore'.
Nope you won't loose anything and it does do a backup before the actual update so you can always restore your iPhone if something goes wrong. :)
I just put 3.0.1 on my 3g and its gone and lost all my contacts, its still got all the apps/text messages etc etc. Its also stupidly slow in comparison to the old firmware
I just put 3.0.1 on my 3g and its gone and lost all my contacts, its still got all the apps/text messages etc etc. Its also stupidly slow in comparison to the old firmware

Yes, it is having a few problems. We are all just waiting for an update from Apple. Heck, even the guy who sold me my iPhone a few weeks a go in the Apple store said there were a few bugs and the like with it. :rolleyes:

Can't shed any light on why all your contacts would disappear. Haven't been Jailbreaking have you? :o
no havn't jailbroken it. It did back up when it did the update. Any idea if the contacts would have been included in the back up? I don't have any kind of contacts on my computer. Its still a bit slow, but its not as bad as it was
no havn't jailbroken it. It did back up when it did the update. Any idea if the contacts would have been included in the back up? I don't have any kind of contacts on my computer. Its still a bit slow, but its not as bad as it was

Not to sure to be honest but I would go ahead and do a restore from backup sooner rather than later. Should get all your contacts back doing that because that is what people do if they get a new iPhone yet they want everything they had on their old one. ;)
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