iPhone 3G + PAYG + Topup question

29 Sep 2003
Newcastle upon Tyne
Hi all,

I've searched threads, and read the O2 terms and conditions, and I'm still a little confused about the iPhone 3G on PAYG. All I'm interested in is the data and wifi, which I understand you get for free for the first 12 months. I would have no intention of using the phone to text or makes calls, so I wouldn't need to top it up with credit at all. Is the free data and wifi subject to you topping up a certain amount each month, or does you get it regardless of whether you top up or not? My though is that you get it regardless, as I can't see anything on the O2 website to say 'subject to minimum topup of £10pm' etc etc.

Hopefully someone can clear this up for me.

Many thanks,

You have to top up once as part of the process of getting the phone up and running. From that point, you'll have the web/wifi access regardless of whether you top up again.

Thanks for clearing that up. Does anyone else use the iPhone 3G in this way, whilst also having another phone to hold their standard texting/calling sim card? I'm interested to know how convenient you find carrying around 2 devices?
Could you not just use the iPhone with a different 02 plan and disable mobile data connections to anything other than WiFi. Then sign up to the Wifi offer seperately?

I've already got a Three contact that doesn't run out until September sometime. I've cancelled the data plan from that, and I'm selling a couple of other phones to cover the cost of the iPhone. I updated to the 2.2 firmware the other day thinking that I wouldn't be wanting to unlock the phone anyway because of the free data/wifi the PAYG sim gets you, but now 2.2 is unlockable too!
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