iPhone 3G - Problem

17 Sep 2005

My iPhone is broken, i cant get any service. I can only get service using 3G. However, when i put my sim in another phone, it works which leads me to believe my iPhone Comboard of something like that is broken (All i get is Searching....then No Service).

Do i take it to the 02 Shop for replacement? or Apple shop for replacement?

They come with 1 year warranty right?

I had basically the exact same problem only I couldn't get any service at all. Took it to local Apple Store and it was replaced on the spot, no questions asked. I didn't even have to produce an invoice.

DONT go to O2, they will make you wait up to 10 working days.
Went to the Apple shop yesterday, had to book an appointment with a "Genius", went there today at 4.30 and they gave me a replacement :)

Very happy with service :)
My second(!) replacement iPhone suddenly dropped out of service a few days after I got it. SIM worked in another phone, but wouldn't connect in the iPhone. Turned out it was the O2 network, rather than the phone. Spent a whole night worrying I had got 3 duds in a row.

While I'm at it, my accelerometer is off by about 6° - terrible for tilt games with no calibration. I reckon I could get this replaced if I caused some fuss - but I can't be bothered at the moment.

My friend has also gone through 3 iPhones - I wonder if Apple are keeping quiet on the number of faulty exchanges!?
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