iPhone 3G Ringtones - Vista

25 Sep 2006

I've read the ultimate iPhone guide. This shows how to make custom ringtones on a Mac but has nothing for a PC.

Is it currently possible on a PC? If so what will I need and where can I find it?
I take it you can't just pick a song to use from the iPod app?

*Justin- maybe an idea if any useful information comes from this to add it to your guide :)*


Benny C


I have clipped the song and created the ACC file as necesary. But it is just named the song title not for example 'songtitle.m4a', which i am then supposed to change to .m4r.

Selecting properties and change only reopens the song back in itunes.
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so you cant view the file extension? you have to actually open up the folder where the m4a is held then manually rename it in windows. if you cant see it then you need to go to folder options and choose view known file extensions.

Im a tad confused. Sorry for being such a plank!

I have the cropped m4a sat on my desktop. Where do I go from here?
just open any folder and go to tools > folder options > view > untick "hide file extensions for known types" then you can rename the ringtone to .m4r :)

i'll give that a go now, thanks!

EDIT: Worked a treat. Now have a Ringtone heading in itunes. However i had to click 'organise' tab, 'folder and layout' and then untick hide extension for known filetypes.

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