Iphone 3g screen repair

18 Jul 2007
Unfortunatley dropped my 3g when getting into the car and have a hairline crack on the edge of my iphone. I'm presuming that this isnt going to be covered by warrenty so wondering if anyone has had one done and knows the rough cost?

I've only cracked the top plastic/glass bit, the screen is fine and tracks my finger over the cracks.

Does anyone know a place you get this fixed? i looked at some youtube vids and it seems quite annoying, time consuming to get the glass/plastic off and replace
Let us know how you get on Pull ..

.. I have accidently scored the face of my iPhone and would love to know how to fix it as it breaks my heart every time I look at it :(
Walked into O2 today, £123.75 for the repair.

Think il be waiting a while to get it done. Does anyone know if apple will be cheaper going direct?
could phone them and ask ? if you get someone nice on the phone they might sort it out for free. for some reason they replaced my mates water damaged 3g for free under warranty despite him having dropped it in a pint :/
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