iPhone 3G Stuck in Recovery Mode

25 Feb 2007
Tried to update to 2.2 this morning without new version of iTunes, and got an unable to update error. Turned my phone back on to find it in recovery mode (iTunes logo with USB cable on screen).

Whenever I plug it in, iTunes says that its in Recovery Mode and must be restored, so I click restore, only for it to go through the process and show an unable to restore (1002) error.

I've tried rebooting the phone, rebooting my MacBook, a different USB port and using DFU mode to no avail.

Can anyone help?

When trying to select the update, the dialogue box opens it like a folder rather than allowing me to select it - i cant select anything inside either!

iNdependence didnt recognise the phone - kept saying waiting for iPhone.

Cheers for your help so far.
Cheers for your help anyway mate, do I need to book in to Genius bar? My nearest one is Manchester (about 40 miles away) so I don't want to turn up to et turned away. I'm going tomorrow I think.
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