iphone 3g warranty

16 Aug 2006
Hey I'm going to go the genius bar and see if they can help me with dust under my screen. I know some others have had success with them, but i dont have a receipt for mine I bought it from ebay. I hear their service is very good

Am I going to have any trouble?
yes it definitely has warranty just wondered from others experiences :-)

now lets see how the genius bar works out tomorrow in manchester lol
I went, within 10 minutes of being seen to I was given a new iphone. No receipt asked for or ID required... it had dust under the screen just a bit really on bottom left hand side. Tried to show pixel and failed.

Going there was great, treated very well from the moment I entered the door.
Was just going to post a similar thread when I saw this. For a while I'd had a couple of tiny bubbles under the glass on my first gen iPhone and I took it into the Meadowhall shop on the offchance that they'd do something about it. The chap said he'd not seen anything like it before, but swapped it for a replacement (presumably a refurb) there and then. Unfortunately, the wi-fi was broken on the replacement, but I again had that swapped the following day. Very happy with the service, even though the warranty was showing as having expired on my original phone (I jailbroke it initially so never registered with apple - I'd had the phone 11 months but it was showing as 14 months old on their system, presumably when it was sent to o2). Even before I told them I'd only had it 11 months, the guy had agreed to swap it, commenting 'it's obvious you've looked after the phone'. Good advert for keeping stuff in good condition I guess.
I went, within 10 minutes of being seen to I was given a new iphone. No receipt asked for or ID required... it had dust under the screen just a bit really on bottom left hand side. Tried to show pixel and failed.

Going there was great, treated very well from the moment I entered the door.

Oh yes they are very good with that.

2 replacements in as many months for me!
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Also just had a great experience from Applecare.

Bought a 3G iPhone second hand from a forum last week, could not get it to keep a signal at all & also had a slight dent on the bottom chrome part. Still under warranty so called Applecare last Friday, box sent out via UPS on Monday & a brand new iPhone week 12 09 build sat on my desk this morning :D

Awesome service & very impressed.
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