iPhone 3G - What does jailbreak give you.

5 Oct 2004
I'm getting an iPhone this week and while I'm sure it would be OK un-broken I'd like to know what it gives you.

I understand it allows you to access loads of free apps but what else can you do. Is it worth doing?

Opinions please :)
Jailbreaking is easy, it's only accessing the phone so you can write to it from third party installer apps.

Things tend to go wrong when unlocking/patching of the baseband is involved.
It is worth doing because it is the only way to make full use of your phone. Want MMS, Cut & Paste, Video Recording? I've got access to all of that and full themes control. All the stuff that Apple will no doubt try and make money from in future - well Themes is the best way so far in that regard.

Just one glance at the pathetic 'appstore' says it all. All these sad 'call mom', 'call dad' style 50p apps that are flooding the thing because what is the point in investing time and money into a decent app when you can make a good couple of hundred quid selling an app that FARTS... :D

Played Apple, continue to stunt your products growth with your 'rules'. Here is my experience of how my first 3G jailbreak went anyhow. Pretty much smooth.
Thanks for that Kainz. Reading your thread now.

Do you know if the O2 store sell the ZAGG shield? Looking for a supplier and thought that would be easiest.
Hmm, not been on the O2 store in a long time. I tend to get my invisible shield/bodyguardz stuff from stateside.
It is worth doing because it is the only way to make full use of your phone. Want MMS, Cut & Paste, Video Recording? I've got access to all of that and full themes control. All the stuff that Apple will no doubt try and make money from in future - well Themes is the best way so far in that regard.

Whats the name of the cut and paste app your using please :)
I said I've got access to it, I didn't say I used it! :p There is an app extension to add cut & paste it in the mail app and the native notes app but I skipped past it as I wasn't interested at the time lol

All I recall was that it was an app extension, like the safari ones that you get. As mentioned Cycorder is the video app, and I highly recommend Background and Five Icon Dock. Background lets you run apps in the er background, so having mirc and an IM app is useful.

I run Rooms (best irc client on appstore) and Twinkle in the background whilst I'm at work.
Cycorder is the video camera. It is on Cydia.

Also interested in the copy & paste! :)

Just installed, seems rather good, bit laggy in places but good.

On the topic of jail broke iPhones, how do you go about removing apps? Usually you hold your finger on an app until it shakes, then just press the "x" - but there is no "x" for 3rd party apps?
You go into Cydia or Installer and there should be a bit titled Manage. You can remove your packages from that.
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