iPhone 3GS not compatible with dock?

11 Oct 2004
Hey guys.

Like approximately 1,000,000 on this forum, I've just got a new iPhone 3GS. I've had a 1st gen iPod touch for the past 18 months and I must have bought my Apple dock around the same time.

With my iPod touch, the dock (and attached USB cable) works fine. However, when I connect my iPhone, the iPhone displays a message about it not being a compatible accessory. It still allows me to sync to iTunes as normal though.

Is the dock really incompatible with the iPhone? Is there any way to turn this warning message off?
Despite the fact that they sell the dock as a 'Universal Dock', even the latest version which comes with an adapter for the iPhone still doesn't appear to be 100% compatible with the iPhone. What it's effectively telling you is that it's not shielded and that you may get some interference.

I had a dock about the same age as yours and I decided to get the newer one which lists the iPhone hoping that this problem would go away. It got better in that it only happens every now and then but it's still clearly not shielded as I get classic phone interference if I run the cable too close to my speakers.

I don't know it the specific 3G/3GS dock is better but that won't work for me with the case on my phone so I just live with it.
On a related note, I've got a dock that came with my iPhone 3G when I bought it off some guy and it doesn't seem to fit in - you can push it down into it but it just slides back out.

Is this a common problem, is it the wrong model dock?

On a related note, I've got a dock that came with my iPhone 3G when I bought it off some guy and it doesn't seem to fit in - you can push it down into it but it just slides back out.

Is this a common problem, is it the wrong model dock?


I had a dock for the 2g that did the same thing when when I popped my 3g into it, So it might be a 2g dock
According to a mate that had this problem it's down to a 12V power line that was originally part of the specification but has now been removed.
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