IPhone 3GS - worth updating to OS 5?

18 Mar 2010
I am on OS 4.3.5 currently.

I heard a lot of bad things about OS 5 when it was released, particularly for those on older phones like my 3GS. I think it was thing like terrible battery drain and sluggish performance on older phones.

Have the problems been fixed? is it worth updating?
Updated mine to IOS5 and regretted it within a few hours - noticed the lag on opening apps/music etc and it is driving me mad to the point where i dont want the phone no more :(
Doesn't matter if he is or not, 5.0.1 has been jailbroken on all devices, the main problem with iOS5 and the 3GS is the speed issue, the phone was never made to copy with the up-to-date OS so its extremely slow due to the lacking hardware
Doesn't matter if he is or not, 5.0.1 has been jailbroken on all devices, the main problem with iOS5 and the 3GS is the speed issue, the phone was never made to copy with the up-to-date OS so its extremely slow due to the lacking hardware

The reason I ask is that he can roll back to the older iOs if he does not like iOs 5.
Ahh right, well yes, technically you can, but only if you have the SHSH's saved in Cydia or TinyUmbrella
if your phone is slow maybe sync and remove some photos and apps etc.

my 4 is getting a bit slow with 1800 pictures on it and 7gb of apps.
Another 3GS user here with no real issues using iOS5.0.1. Doesn't lag hardly at all, but you can certainly feel the limitations of the hardware.
Wife's 3GS runs on iOS 5 and is slick as a very slick thing from Slicksville. No issues whatsoever and battery drain hasn't increased.
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