Iphone 4.1 (manual) update

1 Jul 2008
So I'm really impatient and looking round and found this.

All updated,verified and running sweet on my iPhone 4.

Note: You do not have to be a developer to install this. It is the official general release.
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Gah, still not showing for me yet.

Edit: Downloading now, 382.1MB

Edit 2: HDR for iPhone 4 only, bogus! :(
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downloading now, 589.9 mb,

fingers crossed the proximity sensor works now, as the number of times i put people on hold is getting irritating!
How sad is this? I'm on holiday in Cyprus in apartment with a 512k dsl line, my laptop and iphone 4.... 3 hours remaining for download to finish
Ive got a 3GS on 4.0.1
iTunes is telling me there is an update 4.0.2
Do I have to download and install that first before I can download and install 4.1?
I wish iTunes supported resume on downloads. Our internet cuts off every time someone phones us up, typically it's tonight that we suddenly become popular.

*restarting* :/
Excellent! That didn't take long to download and install about 15mins in total. I'm really impressed with the new HDR update.
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