iphone 4gb wont unlock fully!!!

22 Nov 2004
well ive had a 8 gb i phone unlocked/jail break it every thing fine.

ive just got a 4 gb one ( no idea they even made a 4 gb)

its seeing my sim fine and every thing seems fine but u carnt dial out or get incoming calls.
can any one help,
There is a 4GB one.

Was when they first came out in the US, they had 4GB and 8GB models.

What methos are you using to Jailbreak and unlock it?
Because there isn't a 4g one? Only 8g and 16g, check the apple site.

Check your facts ;)

The original iPhone came in 4GB and 8GB models in the USA, to which Apple canned the 4GB model and went with a sole 8GB model.. only to later release a 16GB model in the UK and USA.

Check the bootloader that the 4GB model has, or try reading the support forums of the popular unlocking tool / Wiki sites.
ive tryed every thing i used to do my 8 gb using the guide that was on here,
il read up on some other sites see what happens.
What iTunes error are you having when trying to restore?

What Operating System are you using?
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latest i tunes,
does not come up witha an error it just sits there.

in using vista ult 64 bit,

on thing that has changed from when i did my 8 gig uk iphone is i was running xp home
Does the screen on the iPhone go totally white once you've clicked restore, or does it just do nothing?

I've heard one solution is to reinstall the Vista USB drivers for the iPhone.
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