iPhone A2DP Earphones

14 Jan 2004
Reading, UK
Anyone have any recommendations for an A2DP earphones set for my iPhone 3GS? There are so many to choose from; I don't suppose any have a button which acts as a remote home screen button do they? (for activating voice control)

I have Motorolla S9s which i use with my Win Mo mobile. They are brilliant.

I have waited of getting an iphone because the lack of this feature (small may it tho seem, its a big one for me)

Anyway... I tried them on my mates iPhone yesterday and they worked, however the play/pause/rewind and ffw butts on the headset didnt work, which was throughly annoying.

If you can live without this feature then get S9s. They are about £30, have around 11 hours playback.

I didnt think the sound was as good on the iPhone as Win Mo it has to be said, but i only had a 30 second listen before i was annoyed the buttons didnt work!
I have a Jabra BT620s, the buttons don't work either, i don't think the iphone has the profile for them. They sound ok, a little noisy but its expected to be honest and background noise of the car drowns out that anyway.
Anyway... I tried them on my mates iPhone yesterday and they worked, however the play/pause/rewind and ffw butts on the headset didnt work, which was throughly annoying.

I have the same problem on my Sony Car Stereo, it sounds great through bluetooth but then i can't change tracks etc using the head unit i have to use the iPhone. Never had this issue with my N95.
I am interested to know if there is the possibility of getting good quality although i do question why a2dp is nessiary as one wire is hardly that bad that you cant tuck it under your shirt etc.
I'm inclined to agree with the above comment; after playing around a bit with the earphones which came witht he phone I discovered they can be used to activate voice control and control the iPod program, as well as having a microphone in for calls. One wire isnt that bad at all, I'll be sticking with these :D
I'm inclined to agree with the above comment; after playing around a bit with the earphones which came witht he phone I discovered they can be used to activate voice control and control the iPod program, as well as having a microphone in for calls. One wire isnt that bad at all, I'll be sticking with these :D

They to me seem like an expensive poor sound quality, battery draining gimic but I am bias because I love my apple in ears with the clicker, if only it worked with the 3G properly.
True, I'd never wear mine outside of the car, so that negates two of those negatives. Great if you dont have an ipod head unit in your car. But other than that, yes they are an expensive gimmic.

I think your right about the ipod compatible head unit but its not for me, would be nice i suppose if you could have it on the charger whilst walking about the house but I never did that when I had cordless headphones.
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