iPhone Alarm Question (Regarding Tonights Clock Change)

14 Aug 2007
So I need to get up for work tomorrow morning and am setting my alarm for 9am.

Do I need to set my clock forward before going to bed or will the iPhone move my clock forward automatically at 2am?

Random question I know!
I've not yet experienced a clocks change on the iPhone but I'd be very surprised if it doesn't update automatically.
I've not yet experienced a clocks change on the iPhone but I'd be very surprised if it doesn't update automatically.

I have experienced a clock change but I can't remember what happened haha.

Something so simple seems silly that it wouldn't have it...but then there are several things you'd think the phone would have but doesnt :(
Mine switched over then immediatly failed to set off the alarm in the morning so I woke up when one of my work colleagues called me to say there was engineering works and that where was I because were going to be late, I then made it to work 1 1/2 hours late for work thanks to my iPhone + SWT.
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