iPhone and existing O2 Sim.

7 Jun 2005
Leeds, UK
Hi all, I have a quick, probably stupidly obvious question but I just want to clarify something before I shell out for an iPhone.

Basically I'm sick to death of my O2 XDA and I'm planning to replace it with an iPhone 3G/3GS, but I want to keep my current O2 simplicity sim. I'm not interested in a contract, and I'm basically going to buy the handset sim free or directly from O2 on pay as you go, then pop my existing sim in.

My question is, will there be any issues doing this? Since most iPhones are simlocked to O2, my understanding is that it should work without a hitch with the exception of some features like visual voicemail.

I only ask because some sites I've viewed seem to vaguely mention something about needing to use the sim O2 provide with the phone, but I'm guessing as long as the sim is O2, any should work?
From my understanding that is correct and seems a lot of people are doing it that way - using the £20 Simplicity package and buying the phone outright from wherever.

But yeah you do loose some features, such as you have mentioned.
you should be fine using your simplicity sim. a few people on here have done it just because for what they use, its much cheaper than the actual iphone tarrifs plus they still get unlimited web on that £20 simplicity deal i think it is?
Thanks guys. :) And yeah, that's why I want to stick with simplicity, because it covers my usage nicely, can cancel at any time, and you get the unlimited web bolt on, which is nice.
Any 02 will work* (minus Visual Voicemail, I think) but you will need a Data Bolt-On to make the most use of an iPhone.

* My son has a generic 02 SIM in my old 2G iPhone.
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