iPhone backup location on a Mac

1 Nov 2008
So I've just got mac (never used them before, loving it so far :D) and I'd like to backup my iphone, then update it and restore it.

I plugged in my phone and found it in iTunes, right clicked on the phone entry and selected 'Back Up'.

But now I'm not sure where the data has been backed up to? I want to make sure it has definitely been backed up safely before I proceed.

A quick web search seems to suggest it should be located here:

/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup

However I don't have a MobileSync folder. Any ideas? :confused:
Ahh, okay. I've just checked

Mac HD/Users/myusername/ and they leaves me with Applications, Desktop, Documents etc. with no MobileSync

I've also tried

Mac HD/Users/Shared/Library/Application Support/

But again, no MobileSync, just Adobe on it's own :confused:
Thanks guys,

That terminal command didn't work for me, but I used the following line to show hidden files and folders to find it that way :)

defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
Or, even easier, just open a Finder window and select Go -> Go to Folder... (Shift+Cmd+G) and paste the path in there :)
Or, even easier, just open a Finder window and select Go -> Go to Folder... (Shift+Cmd+G) and paste the path in there :)

Ahh cool! I was wondering if there was a way to paste in a directory location, that's perfect. Is there an easy way to copy a directory location that you're already in?

I'm so used to clicking in the address bar of explorer windows to copy and paste directory paths
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