iPhone Broken - Repair Question

30 Aug 2004
Hi All,

Just wondering whether or not this has happened to anyone else...

basically my silence switch on the side of my iPhone 3G has broken, the silver bit has come off making it very hard to toggle the switch.

I'm going to take it to the apple store today, but i'm just wondering whether anyone knows if they will have to take it in for repairs? or just give me a replacement? i can't really live with out my phone for a couple of days (i use it a lot for work)


From what I understand, the Apple store are likely to just replace it.

I hope so, I forgot to mention, I had a completely dead iPhone 2G, and they replaced that for me, but i guess they had to seeing as the thing didn't even turn on, lol, cheers :)
hey, just thought i'd let you know that they did swap my phone for me :) problem is they gave me a faulty one, lol, the headphone socket on this one doesn't work, so i'll be going back again tonight...
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