Iphone buying advice please

14 Jul 2007
Hi guys, im looking for some help and suggestions from you good people about whats best to do in my situation. Im about 10/11 months through an 18 month contract with Vodafone and have a Nokia n95 8gb. Contract is £35/pm although my spend is usually greater, been with vodafone for years.

However i was away seeing my cousin this weekend an she has just taken delivery of her new iphone and i really really want one! It does everything i personally want in a phone and the downsides people have raised wouldnt really be an issue for me from what ive seen. What im wondering is what is my best option in order to get one?

I have the N95 and an 8gb Touch already
I have 6/8 months of my existing Voda contract to go
If i get an Iphone id want the 16gb one
I really dont want to change my number if possible

Should i go for the £45 o2 contract and buy the 16gb iphone for £60ish

Should i go for a jailbroken phone and just switch my vodafone sim card into that

Should i just suck it up and wait for my Vodafone contract to end? (least fav but most sensible option!)

Can i port my numbr over to o2 even although i still have the vodafone contract and just pay it monthly until it expires or do i have to pay the balance of the contract with them first?

Sorry for all the questions, im just looking for the best value for money i can get. Any advice is much appreciated.
If you want to switch to O2 contract now you will need to pay of the remainder of the vodafone contract.

You can keep your number when you switch from Vodafone to O2, need to get a code form Vodafone which you give to O2.

As for the iPhone, get a 2G/3G unlocked one and use with your current contract up until it expires?

However im about to switch from unlocked T-Mobile to O2 because the WiFi aint working on my unlocked 2G :( More trouble than its worth IMO.
If you want to switch to O2 contract now you will need to pay of the remainder of the vodafone contract.

You can keep your number when you switch from Vodafone to O2, need to get a code form Vodafone which you give to O2.

As for the iPhone, get a 2G/3G unlocked one and use with your current contract up until it expires?

However im about to switch from unlocked T-Mobile to O2 because the WiFi aint working on my unlocked 2G :( More trouble than its worth IMO.

Thanks for the quick reply. Where i live doesnt have 3g coverage at the moment so the wifi is really important to me. I'd get the 3g one just to be a bit more futureproof and for when im away from home in 3g areas and also to get the 16gb phone.

I would have no issues with getting an unlocked/jailbroken one as long as i wasnt losing features as a result.

I guess selling the n95 and/or the touch would bring in a few quid too!
IMO the iPhone contract tariffs are a rip off for what you get, you'll be looking at 18 months @ £45 a month.

I myself swtiched from a contract with Vodafone (had contracts for years now) and went for a iPhone PAYG, I top up £10 a month, and I can chose what tariff I want on a month by month basis, wether it be free calls to other O2 members, free calls to certain postcodes, or the text bolt on etc.

So far now, 5 months in, I have never had to top up more than £10 and I use my phone quite a lot.

Go for PAYG, save yourself some money in the long run. :)
One of the best things about the iPhone contract for me so far is the fact they have allowed iPhone owners to upgrade to new models (16gb then 3g) without having to wait the until the 18 month is over. This is often overlooked when people critique it.
One of the best things about the iPhone contract for me so far is the fact they have allowed iPhone owners to upgrade to new models (16gb then 3g) without having to wait the until the 18 month is over. This is often overlooked when people critique it.

Ah blimey, i hadnt even thought of that! This is getting very complicated!!
Should i go for a jailbroken phone and just switch my vodafone sim card into that

Jailbreaking will not allow you to use another non O2 sim in it. Jailbreaking allows you to install other non-apple apps on the phone. You need to unlock the phone to allow it to use other sim cards, and this seems to be flakey at best, and only on the older 3G phones. If you buy a new 3G phone now it will almost certainly not unlock.

One of the best things about the iPhone contract for me so far is the fact they have allowed iPhone owners to upgrade to new models (16gb then 3g) without having to wait the until the 18 month is over. This is often overlooked when people critique it.

That was only for people who bought the original 2G iphone who paid the full price for it, as it was not subsidised by O2. People on an 18 month contract with a 3G iphone will be like any other phone and need to wait till month 17 before upgrading.

That was only for people who bought the original 2G iphone who paid the full price for it, as it was not subsidised by O2. People on an 18 month contract with a 3G iphone will be like any other phone and need to wait till month 17 before upgrading.
The original iPhone was subsidised as well, hence it was a lot cheaper than a PAYG iPhone 3G costs. £169 compared to £345 for an 8gb one.
I was in the same position about a week ago. I bought a 16gb on PAYG and then unlocked/jailbroke it and using my Vodaphone sim now. It works absolutely perfect no problems whatsoever. Once my Voda contract is up i will probably just cancel my Voda contract and port my number to o2 PAYG if thats possible.

You will get a decent amount for the N95 8GB and the touch, this would pay over half of the cost for the 16gb iphone easily.
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im simular situation! i currently pay £20 a month for 600mins/1000texs unlimited o2 calls and unlimited internet bolt on too (no wi fi though)! its a simplicity deal only but im thinking its gonna cost me £15 per month xtra to get less mins stuff with the iphone plan (£270 extra over 18 months plus the price of the phone it self) also i was thinking of just getting an ipod touch as i only really would use the browser though it would be convenient to have them all in one device (phone and internet) whats people views on the situation and do u think its better to pay £350 for the iphone 8gb upfront plus my £20 per month reguardless? peoples views appreciated!!!
Thats true for the unit itself if you didnt actually make any calls but i would need a contract on top of that anyway. I probably spend £40 a month ish on my Vodafone contract anyway.

I spend £10-£15 a month, and still manage to make the same amount of calls/texts to friends etc as I did with my contract I was paying £30 for.

Once you add on your, O2 Treats/selection of tarriff, O2 surpises, it all adds up IMO, then plus 10% back every 3 months of what you top up, for me its WIN/WIN.
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