iPhone charger dodgy?

18 Oct 2002
Ever since I had my original iPhone I have noticed that touching the metal back whilst it was in the charging dock gave an odd tingling in the tips of my fingers, it almost felt like the phone was vibrating slightly. I happened to have my multimeter handy earlier, and discovered my iPhone has a potential of about 93 volts AC w.r.t ground when plugged into it's (original Apple) charger! Has anyone noticed anything like this before?
Tried using my (original Apple) iPod charger and it does the same thing only voltage is around 73v. It's obvioulsy quite high impedance since just touching the case pulls the voltage down by about 20v, but still doesn't seem like a good idea. Will email apple and see what they say.
Found a thread on another forum where quite a few other people have noticed this. It appears to be a small leakage current from the mains since the adapter is not grounded
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