iPhone contract query

6 Nov 2002
Thatcham, UK

I have a Blackberry on o2 currently (outside of contract) that I am very happy with... but I want an iPhone 3g (to unlock and use with my vodafone work sim).

I want to "upgrade" to a new contract with the iPhone, then go back to a blackberry bolt-on.

I spoke to an o2 call centre guy but understandably... it was outside his script and so had no idea.

Is this possible? I understand I'll be tied to o2 for another 18months, but thats fine as long as I can move my blackberry back to o2 and then look into unlocking the iPhone.

It all hinges on if/when the iPhone 3G is unlocked by hackers for use on other networks. Until it's released, nobody knows how long this could take.

Wouldn't see a problem with sticking the activated O2 sim into the blackberry though (maybe some configuration required for voicemail, due to the SIM probably being set up for Visual Voicemail).
If the SIM in the iPhone 3G is tied to an iPhone handset (which wasn't the case for the V1) then you're out of luck.

The original iPhone had a bog-standard 02 SIM, so until it was activated you could just throw it away, or buy another.. there's no garauntee a iPhone-SIM would work in a blackberry after being activated. In fact I'd say it wouldn't..

Don't expect it to be easily unlockable if 02 require users to sign up instore, either.
You're probably going to be better off picking it up on PAYG and keeping your Blackberry contract as-is.
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